GC Greenville Dolce Vita на ринге CFA
GC Greenville Dolce Vita на ринге CFA
GC Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville
Greenville Deja Vu - лучший аби котенок на всемирной выставке в США
GC Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville на ринге CFA

New archive 2009

Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!!!

Nov 1, 2009 Our red aby female CH Indiabi Moulin Rouge of Greenville was used in final by Nancy Dodds (6th place), was Best AB Champion, Best SH Champion, and qualified for CFA Grand Champion title.

CH Indiabi Moulin Rouge of Greenville CH Indiabi Moulin Rouge of Greenville

Nov 27, 2009 Our cats attended the CFA show in Milano (Italy). Our red aby CH Indiabi Moulin Rouge of Greenville
did very well, she was 3rd SH champion, Best SH Champion, Best AB Champion, and twice was 2nd Best of Breed. Our blue aby kitten Greenville J'adore was Best aby kitten twice (Kenny Currle and John Webster).

Oct 19, 2009 CFA show in Helsinki, Finland. Our blue aby kitten Greenville J'adore was Best aby kitten twice.

Oct 10, 2009 Our red aby female CH Indiabi Moulin Rouge did very well at the CFA show in Moscow. She entered two finals, and was placed 1st in final by Nancy Dodds.

Aug 17, 2009 We showed our cats at the CFA show in Helsinki, Finland. Our european burmese male Stjarnviks Oriente Orion qualified for CFA Champion and entered 3 finals, blue aby kitten Greenville High Five entered 3 finals too, and red aby female Indiabi Moulin Rouge qualified for CFA Champion title and was best in color three times.

July 16, 2009 Stjarnviks Oriente Orion got BIV, Best Junior, BIS & BOB I both days at the FIFe show in Odessa! Moreover, Orion has finally qualified for the Junior Winner title!

June 16, 2009 Our youngster burmese male Stjarnviks Oriente Orion became Best Junior at the SELENA club show in Cesis, Latvia!

May 5, 2009 Stjarnviks Oriente Orion won again!!! This time at the SuperCats show in Moscow - Best Junior & Best In Variety! It is 3rd Best Junior in a row for two weekends!!!

Apr 26, 2009 Stjarnviks Oriente Orion became Best Junior on Sat & Sun at the Bastet club show in St.Petersburg, and Best in Variety on the second day of the show!

Mar 19, 2009 Charming burmese boy Stjarnviks Oriente Orion came to our cattery from Sweden. We are very grateful to Sara Mitzeus for trusting us with this beautiful kitten!

Dec 09, 2008 Our blue abyssinian female Greenville Dolce Vita has been granded! She is our first homebred Grand Champion CFA. And she is the very first blue aby female in Russia qualified for the highest CFA title. We are very proud of this achievement.

Nov 23, 2008 Our cats were shown at the FIFe show in St.Petersburg. Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville got Int.Ch.FIFe title and was nominated for Best in Show.
Paprika aus Abusir was nominated for Best in Show in junior class.
Greenville Fiona was nominated for Best in Show both days, and become Best in Variety, and Best Kitten.

Sep 28, 2008 We were showing our cats in Moscow at the ExpoCat show. Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville has qualified for CFA Grand Champion. Greenville Dee Jay got the CFA Champion title.

Aug 2, 2008 Abyssinian kittens was born on Jul 2, 2008. read more...

July 30, 2008 Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville has qualified for WCF European Champion title. At the show in Poltava (Ukraine) Falkor was Best In Show and Best Of Best.

June 29, 2008 Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville has completed WCF Gr.Int.Champion title.

June 2, 2008 We have burmese kittens.

May 12, 2008 May 10 &11, Felix (FIFe), Tallinn, Estonia:
CH Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville - both days BIV and Best Adult.
Greenville Dolce Vita - Best Kitten on the first day of the show.

May 05, 2008 May 3 & 4, Cat Fanciers of Finland (CFA), Heinola, Finland:
CH Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville - 3SH in the Championship, entered 2 finals (7AB & 8AB).
Our young starlet Greenville Dolce Vita did well entering 4 kitten finals (2AB, 3AB, 3AB, 3AB).

Apr 13, 2008 Apr 12, Nika Center (CFA), Moscow:
CH Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville 3AB, 1SH in the Championship.

Apr 6, 2008 Apr 5, Chatte Noir Club (CFA), Moscow:
CH Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville entered 1 final (7 AB), 2AB, 1SH, 2SH in the Championship.

Apr 1, 2008 Mar 29-30, CFA, Kiev, Ukraine:
Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville got the Champion title and entered 1 final (10AB).

Mar 10, 2008 Mar 8-9, TICA, Yaroslavl, Russia:
Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville got the Champion title and entered 2 finals (4 AB, 4 AB).
Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville

Mar 6, 2008 Our cattery name Greenville is registered with CFA.

Mar 1, 2008 Bastet Show (FIFe), St.Petersburg:
Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville - Best Junior.

Feb 15, 2008 Abyssinian kittens are 8 wks old. »

Dec 22, 2007 Beautiful abyssinian kittens were born on Dec 19, 2007.

Dec 10, 2007 Our friends at the `Cat Manor` cattery have new kittens. Click here for more info...

Nov 18, 2007 Some results from the show on Nov 17-18 in St.Petersburg:
Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville - 2 x BIV (the best in variety), 2 x Best Kitten, 2nd place in a WCF ring;
Bellflower Greenville*RU - 2 x BIV (the best in variety), nom.BIS, 2nd place at burmese ring (judge - Mira Fonsen);
Amber Lion Greenville*RU - 2 x CACIB, nom.BIS.

Nov 14, 2007 Our cattery is registered with TICA.

Nov 08, 2007 We're proud to announce new addition to our cattery. Wonderful abyssinians arrived Nov 6 from the Hillstblues Cattery (California, U.S.A.): a blue girl QGC Hillstblues Steele Magnolia and a young boy Hillstblues Falkor of Greenville. Huge thanks to Diane Jackson for these beautiful abys!